A few things:
- Jim Flaherty's economic update was not a budget. A few people keep on calling it that. Should it have had more real stuff in it? Sure but it is still not a budget.
- Tully Mars to be completely clear, in proposing to cut the subsidies to the parties Harper's parties subsidies would also be cut.
-Harper leadership style is centralized. In most cases this has helped his cause as he could not trust the people around him from blundering. In this case it was his idea to slip these controversial items in Flaherty's economic update. Layton and Dion, however, are not much different this time. The coalition idea did not come from the members of their party and they did not seek apporval for this coalition from the members in parliament (I just read this this morning. I am trying to find it).
How about John Baird as leader of the Conservatives?
Sticky The Stickman