Recession? It sure seemed like a recession 6 mo ago when I lived in Wausau, Wisconsin. I could not find work anywhere. I applied for every type of job I could. Nothing, no one would hire me. A big problem for me was that I had a young child and was single. The employers didn't want a single parent who would have to call sick to work for themselves as well as when their child was sick. They didn't want to have to work around a parent's child's school schedule... who knows what other reasons. Beside the fact that I worked out of my home, "self-employed", doing child care for nearly 6 years. I didn't seem like they considered that 'work'. Little do they know!
The recession has faded into the background considerably since I moved to the U.P. I have found one seasonal job making Christmas wreaths (which is already done for the season) and other job too. I have other potential jobs, most of which are during school hours. I have had no trouble finding work, at any rate. My mortgage is about 1/3 the cost of rent in our area. Granted I still have utitilites but the combination of actually having steady work again and my housing costs being so much lower... Recession??? What recession?
Honestly I realize it's hard for many people. My parents have it hard, my brother had to move home again, and others that I know are struggling. I think for the majority of us we brought it on ourselves. My grandma always stressed to me to live within HALF my means - meaning - keep my debt down to within half of my income and take what's left to save for a rainy day. Grandma ended up living very comfortably and leaving my grandpa wanting for NOTHING and having plenty to play with. We would do well to regain the mindset of those who lived during the depression. Every three generations we're going to have to learn this again and again. It's a normal cycle.
Things will get better. Hopefully soon.