Well, here are my 0.02c;
While I didn't vote Conservative, I honestly don't mind Harper as a leader.
At least with him I feel a semblance of leadership qualities and direction.
I'm chagrined that this occurs during the world's present economic downturn,
what with Canada supposedly in a relatively rosy position.
It's within the rules, but still smacks of 3 kids ganging up on one, and
"outvoting" him for a change in a game he was winning. Like all three are
sullen losers, pouting and getting their way.
The stimulus package that so many wanted, I wonder, do we all view that as
a magical solution? I'm a child of the 70's, and while God Bless Pierre Trudeau,
his fiscal policies were only being paid off when Paul Martin was the Finance
Minister, indeed, what is our debt to date, international credit rating, and so on...
Anyone know offhand?
Joe Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?
Not the same thing, but an interesting antecedent, so to speak.
I worry this will hurt our ability to adapt in a cohesive manner, if we are a troika
of vested interests, rather than shaped by just one ideological POV. If nothing
else, they may be pretty bland, sort of like a committee agreeing on a
Is anyone ever going to invest in our infrastructure, do anything that will
last more than one news cycle in our National memory?
Is Government even all that relevant? I think so, but then I look at Italy
and say their
Vita is still pretty
Dolce, n'est pas?
I love living here, I don't want to live in the US, but it would be choice
#4 at this point.
All in all, it is pretty interesting, I look to forward to seeing it unfold.
Do we have a pool on the next election?
I say by next July.