Originally Posted by Charlatan
I have been rolling this around in my head for a while and I am still not sure how I feel about it.
The separatists have lost. What the Bloc is today, despite what they say, is a regional party with the interests of one province only (not unlike what the Reform party was at one time).
All very lucid points Charlatan, and well crafted to shine some non-emotional clarity on the matter.
I would further say that the Conservatives, as they are now, are still a regionally motivated party dominated by Reform ideology. When they blunder so badly, as they did last week, it just demonstrates the lack of savvy and/or shows true arrogance. Not to worry, I think that the Hill does that to people. I was no fan of Trudeau's antics in the late '70's either. And Joe Clark? Well, there was a man with integrity, but poor handlers.
Harper has not only succeeded in uniting the Right, or should I say taking advantage of the decimated PC's and dominating the Right, last week he successfully managed to unite the Left.
The Conservatives need to dump Harper and start fresh. Flaherty (who can believe this guy any more??? weren't the Harris years enough? I can't believe that his constituents elected him, but then again, times were goood back then eh?) has to go too.
What I can't understand is how the Conservatives can mis-manage public sentiment on a continuous basis. They attack penny-ante programmes, and tell us all to sit tight and not worry about the bigger problems. For this they will feel the full effect of our type of democracy.