Originally Posted by Greg700
It seems like it would be difficult to get the necessary momentum to get an open carry law.
Do you think you have a good chance of pulling it off, or are you fighting the good fight as part of a more comprehensive activism portfolio?
It was difficult getting started. Not too many legislators showed any interest because we weren't the TSRA and we couldn't get the TSRA to support us. Once the billboard went up in Austin and the news articles came out, regular texans took notice and the amount of correspondence to legislators has been immense. It might even have more support than TSRAs concealed campus law they want passed.
What we want with open carry is no license and no extra restrictions like PA, WI, or KY has, meaning that we don't want to be told that open carry is legal but prohibited in Dallas, or that we can carry openly but in a vehicle it must be in the glove box unless you have a CHL.
Originally Posted by Greg700
Good luck either way.
Thanks. I think we have a great shot because it now has the governers support.
-----Added 2/12/2008 at 05 : 52 : 57-----
Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Probably scarred by years of being a misguided child of Uncle Sam.
knows no fear after being a misguided child. Thats what makes him unpredictable and scary. total time bomb waiting to go off.