Far as I've witnessed: normal wear and tear. The flimsy gas rings go bad after the action abuse and temp flux: i.e. a lot of rapid fire G.I. Joe shit. Hell, I've busted more trying to put 'em on than actually breaking them with weapon use. They're like the backplate hex screw on the '203: screw it in once and get a new one when it fails (or so the manual says). The AR bolt's triple gas rings are craptastic and the care and superstition that surrounds them smells like poor weapon design like something off a Jap weapon from WW2. Can ya say "Nambu" with me?
Your gun: How many and what type of rounds does this thing have through it? I can make up all sorts of problems that might lead to this but I'll settle for "They're just cheap POS so get two of the single piece and carry on." See, we had M4s from the just-after-KFOR era that only started blowing rings (from the records I saw) like half-a-dozen-plus years later. Keep in mind, we were airborne... not high speed and thus only zapped out a 20-round mag once on the first Tuesday of the year if it wasn't raining. As a unit armorer, I was around 120+ abused M4s every day for nearly a year and only had to repair this particular problem like half a dozen times in line platoon weapons (some of these were probably attempts by PFC Dumbass to "really get down in there" with a dental pick).
I'd recommend Midway's single piece. Two less things to go wrong for you, two more ways to be sure in a high NVA body count.
Quality gun components failing is always surprising. I had the firing pin on my USP 45 just break off at the range mid mag. A fucking U...S...P. Cost an outlandish amount for the specially-shaped nail replacement part, too. I swear, I'd get rid of the old clunker if it didn't shoot like a movie gun for me.
Last edited by Plan9; 12-01-2008 at 04:57 PM..