Originally Posted by dksuddeth
As a 42 year old man who served 6 years as a US Marine and an Air Traffic Controller, along with years of studying gun laws and abuse of law enforcement power, I'm well qualified. You might get there if you can break out of your 'government does no wrong' bubble.
Sir, I am inclined to agree with your well supported argument. You are older than I. That alone should persuade me as to the infallibility of your statements.
But your age, coupled with the fact that you are able to read books without pictures, have spent years in the Marine Corps as well as having made an occupation of ensuring that planes dont run into stuff (in the sky) leaves me with no choice but to come to the conclusion that you are more than qualified to pass judgement about my opinions and dismiss them as "crap".
You have left me with no choice but to respectfully retract my previous statements and withdraw from the thread.
Well played, Sir.