Originally Posted by shakran
President Bush Holds Press Conference
White house press conference.
Lest you think it's the liberal media making shit up again, I linked to the White House's website.
So, apparently, Mr. Bush does not feel bin Laden is a threat, except in times when it is politically expedient for him to do so.
Why, then, do you seem to think he is a threat? Are you saying Mr. Bush is wrong? If so, why do you then support Mr. Bush in his execution of the "war on terror?"
I think it is ironic how some people viewed the threat from Sadaam and Iraq under his control relative to how (at least during the campaign and I guess currently) they view the threat from bin Laden and al qeada in Afghanistan. Obama said he is going to escalate the war to go after a single person, with virtually no current power and who may be dead or very il, and that is o.k., but Bush going after Sadam was a travesty. I don't get it other than to assume that some people simply hated Bush to a level that anything he did was wrong. I think under Obama we will see a lot of this kind of thing. In my view there will not be much change, if any, from Bush to Obama.
Currently, I agree with the quote above, I don't think bin Laden is currently much of a threat.