More news, then I'm off to Vegas, baby!!

Expect Dawn Marie (not to be confused with the Queen of Extreme Francine) to be teamed with Lance Storm again. If you ever saw a ECW show before VinnieMac bought it - Lance Storm (RAW), Justin Credible (NWA:TNA), and Dawn Marie (Smackdown) were together as the High Impact Players. Suprisingly, Storm had a lot more respect then, than he does right now. Storm and Credible had a really good vibe together. Its sad that Credible was tossed aside in WWE.
The Basham Brothers haven't been as exciting as I thought they would be. It seems that VinnieMac thinks the same thing too. It seems like they will look for a manager to add some spice to their act. I wouldn't mind Jim Cornet making a return.

But he's down in OVW as a writer or something.
As an other note -
I read, mainly, for my news and stuff. Basically, Steve goes around and reads all the other sites, and copies what they wrote. Its easier for me to go to one site and get, at least, a good amount of news and info.
What sites do you visit?
Wrestling observer?