Well I'll tell you what.I'll trade my Bachelor of Music degree and bet against you.Are we talking about Ringo Starr,Charlie Watts or any drummers of the last 20 years who couldn't even come close to Bonham.And as far as skill goes,..listen,..then listen to those who sound better by your definition.By your comparison,I could clean house amongst any of todays guitarists easily. But I already knew that.(sorry,I couldn't resist)I don't know what you're definition of skill is,but I'll tell you,his reputation isn't only because he was in Zeppelin.It's because he was a great drummer,and an awesome musician.If you could only see the bootlegged videos of him.He definitely set the standard.
And by the way,a little known fact.Bonham tuned his drums to concert pitch(440) and used the pitches A and E on his floor toms as well as his mounted toms.He also adjusted the pitch depending on what song Zeppelin was playing. Call me biased,but no one gives me the shivers up my spine like he does.
Last edited by gibber71; 06-08-2003 at 09:32 PM..