We bought a television, the flat ones with all the letters in the description...... Anyway, this morning one of my beloved felines tried to jump on top of it. He's 20 pounds, but quite agile. Red and I have never moved so fast as we watched the less than a day old much desired entertainment box weeble and wobble before our lovely Baxter freaked, jumped and ran. It seems like it took forever, but the entire incident lasted only seconds. And it really wasn't his fault. Periodically, Baxter would jump on our former non-flat TV and we would talk about how cute it was. The TV survived with only minor kitty christening scratches on the edge, and the screen was unscathed. How, I don't know. 20 pounds of desperate kitty left no scratches. Maybe he was just messin with us. Or, maybe he's a Bama fan. Damn good stand on this thing.
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool.