...especially your income tax, right? You fight the man, DK. Just remember I'm still your buddy when I come to serve that no-knock warrant at 3 AM.
Just kidding.
I guess the big thing to remember is that companies like this cater specifically to law enforcement as a vast majority of civilians can't afford or wouldn't want their type of product. A lot of products marketed in the LE field are like this: represented by overweight white guys with crew cuts and Oakley sunglasses doing "tactical stuff."
Many moons ago, the CATO institute did a report on the militarization of police forces in the US and found some pretty disturbing trends. The primary issue is that "law enforcement" somehow equates to "I've got a gun and I'll shoot you," instead of "To serve and protect," for a lot of people in uniform and civilians dealing with the those in uniform. The implement used to defend (be it handgun or shoulder arm) has somehow become the dominating symbol of the occupation. When you ask somebody what they think when they think cop, they'll mention "gun" over "badge" or "blue uniform" or "squad car" even though most officers rarely ever have to use their guns in the line of duty.
I didn't think that the police / sheriff's depts in the US were paramilitary boys clubs, but it turns out I may be wrong.
Blegch. What a violent world. It saddens me.