Originally Posted by kurty[B]
canuckguy, let me know what you think of the Garmin unit for your road bike. I'm not yet trusting of GPS units and exposure to severe elements yet.
I snagged a GPS for my car.
I had a Garmin 705 that I used for running (I think it's the same model - this was a wrist watch model, so maybe its different...might have been a 305?)...in any case, it worked beautifully until I switched to Vista. Then the software crapped out. That may have been fixed by now. Then one day when I was out running, it just sort of popped apart in the middle of the street. It was out of warranty, and I'd purchased it at discount on Ebay...so I was just sort of screwed. In any case, I don't know this is common, but I thought it was something to be aware of. I will say that it had no problems keeping track of positioning, even when I was doing 65 in a car...if you want to keep track of your time/pace/routes, t does a pretty good job. I wouldn't use it for hiking.