H-S Precision Rifles BOYCOTT
Folks, this one will turn your stomach. H-S Precision rifles, builder of high-end sniper rifles for the U.S. Military and various L-E agencies, has just released their latest catalog. And on the back cover is a full-page endorsement by none other than LON HORIUCHI, the FBI sniper responsible for the murder of Vicki Weaver, the attempted murders of Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris, and who also served as a "disincentive to exit" the burning Mt. Carmel Church at Waco, TX.
For those too young to remember, this is the piece of human filth who said, after murdering Vicki Weaver, that;
1: He thought the baby girl in her arms was a gun.
2: He was -actually- shooting at someone else, but missed.
3: She was behind a solid door, he couldn't see her, and for some reason he felt like shooting through the door. Too bad, so sad, terrible accident.
He's been living in hiding since 1993, and for good reason. I would pay money, GOOD money, to see what Randy and Elishiba Weaver would do to him in a locked room.
So I'm asking all you gunnies here, contact H-S Precision and let them know how disgusting this is. Let them know loudly and often. Then contact every company they do business with, the NRA, Ducks Unlimited, Cabelas, and Dick's Sporting Goods, all of whom either distribute H-S Precision products or who's logo appears in the ad alongside Horiuchi's name. Let them know too. ZUMBO these motherfuckers!
H-S Precison. Remember, when you absolutely, positively, have -GOT- to shoot a nursing mother in the back, accept no substitutes.