Originally Posted by Chytrak
The stand-alone Blu-Ray players do not allow for firmware updates whereas, the PS3 does have the ability to receive firmware updates.
This is not correct. New players allow firmware updates through user created DVDs. You simply download the firmware update off the web and burn it as an .iso file on to blank DVD media and update.
You can find the .iso's on sites like
Blu-ray.com - Blu-ray Movies, Players, Recorders, Media and Software
Originally Posted by streak_56
So I bought a PS3.
OMFG!!!!! IT IS THE GREATEST THING EVER!!! I invited my friend over that has a 360 and he says that it blows his system out of the water. I think Resistance: Fall of Man is going to be a mainstay for the PS3. I love all the games I have (Resistance, Sonic, Mirror Edge, and Armored Core.) I waited three days before I got my HDMI cable and when that went in... holy crap did the graphic get better ten fold. Sorry guys, its all PS3 for me, plus the geek squad here has a promotion to upgrade to 250GB for $150 extra, which makes it all more of a steal!!!
Glad you have a new console and love it, but before you jump on the $150 hard drive upgrade, check newegg or tigerdirect. You might be able to get that 250 GB cheaper.