I personally think you are using the wrong word, relative.
You are asking how time is defined.
Well it really can be defined by anything.
The rate you just gave will probably be redefined many times in the future, just as it has in the past.
Whereas "relative" means in how it relates to something else in comparison using the same definition.
All measurements are, are agreements by a group of people to define an aspect of the world a certain way.
That measurement can be anything.
But the aspect is real.
So I guess in those terms, you might call that "relative",
however that's not how it's traditionally used.
Most in the scientific community, say it's "defined" differently.
Or it's "standard" is different.
That's what confused me about your question at first.
Yes, everything that we do is described by our definitions,
and those can be arbitrary,
so you have to get everyone to agree on definitions.
before you can explain, work on or debate the aspects.