i think skill is given waaay too much focus. the question that is always asked: "what guitarist/drummer/bassist can play fastest/best?" more important to me is "what instrumentalist can play most convincingly as part of a band". sure, i demand a certain amount of skill in the players that i listen to (probably more so than most people), but in all reality there's probably dozens of bedroom guitarist/drummers that have better chops than dudes in bands that we all love. compared to say via, satch, petrucci, eric johnson, van halen, randy rhodes, marty friedman, mustaine, etc, etc hendrix is flat-out sloppy and slow.
apart from that rant, RAMONES!!! is right on with Bonham's double bass drum pedal work. he invented that shit if I recall. friend of mine went to Berklee College of Music for percussion and though he despises Zeppelin (i won't even get into that), he thinks Bonham was incredible.