Originally Posted by levite
Gotta say, I quite agree with this. I consider myself religious, and I would have zero problem with any of my kids being gay, and I've worked damn hard to further gay rights.
One of my problems is that this kind of intolerance is not a facet of "religion," it is a facet of fundamentalist religion. Religion does not have to be fundamentalist, and schmucks like this dude in the blog give all us religious people a bad name. The simple fact is that nobody chooses to be gay, and if that's so, how can God really have that kind of a problem with it? What kind of God would create people who have no chance at all not to be sinners unless they spend their lives in miserable self-denial and loneliness? No God I would pray to, that's for sure. But that doesn't mean I don't believe in God, or that I don't think it's important to try and live our lives in a more holy way. God might want difficult things from you, but I just can't believe He's out to fuck you over from the outset.
And as for people, intolerance is intolerance. You can spray a turd with perfume, but it won't smell any better on the inside. If you don't like gay people, fine. But don't pretend it's anything other than pure homophobia.
Sorry to be so blunt, but this issue makes me a bit hot under the collar, so to speak....
I like you.

I have many friends who are religious, or whatever term you prefer - you know, people who really believe in God and Christ and go to church even when it's not a holiday. And we're friends because they feel the way you do.
Although, NoSoup brings up a fascinating point - if a person truly believes that being gay is wrong (even if I think they're a dumbass for caring about someone else's personal life but I digress) - if they believe that in their heart, how can they not teach that to their children? It only makes sense. I just wish they could find a way to do it without making it a fear thing.