is it time to re-think our institutions?
I've been reflecting a lot lately about how antiquated our relationship structures are when it comes to courtship and commitment. in the general scheme of human history, 400 years isn't a very long time. however, it was only that long ago that the average lifespan of a human was 35-40. if you think about that, it meant that people who got married, even young, were only commiting to 15-20 years with their career's and spouses.
Now we live to be octagenarians.
it only makes sense that we switch both purpose and people multiple times over that much more a span.
I respect and cherish the power of ancestry and family, but aren't we being somewhat stifled by our timeless traditions and relationship structures? along with creating all kinds of emotional trauma and guilt complexes when we don't go the distance with one soulmate, which is more the rule than the exception?
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.