This is not by me. I know this has been discussed many times before on TFP but this is just sickening to me. I have been going to this guy's site for over 10 years and this is enough to make me never want to go back.
"I really don't care if gays get married. Whatever. There's already enough gay protection out there that there's really nothing much left to loose anymore. Gays are on every show, gay storylines are on every show. Gay marriage also brings states money.
BUT when they start telling everyone it's ok or teaching our kids that it's ok. They don't have the right to do that. Gays are not a race. Gays are not a minority. Gay people are people who choose to be gay or at least choose to act on GAY feelings. Anyone right now can CHOOSE to be gay and you couldn't tell them they aren't. You wouldn't know. Many people choose to be gay because they can't get one of the opposite sex OR because no one of the opposite sex would do them (notice the huge amount of ugly couples?) or because they're downright SLUTs like Lindsey Lohan that just want sex and don't care who gives it to them.
Some people (guys) are born womenly or with feelings toward guys. But they don't have to act on them just how child molesters don't have to abuse children or people that want to kill people don't have to murder. That is also a CHOICE.
You know what? In high school there was this obviously gay guy. In a church school. He was friends with all the girls only, he sat there reading fashion mags. He talked with a lisp. Everyone in the school would say he's gay and he denied it. Later on I hear he just admitted it and went for it. He didn't act on it all throughout h.s. (as far as I know) and he made that choice to accept it but he didn't have to. It's a choice even IF you're born with feelings.
People say some animals are born gay. Well who gives a shit. Dogs eat their own shit. Should we start eating our own shit? No.
If despite that you want to CHOOSE to be gay which I consider wrong that's your right. But I don't have to say that's ok or teach my kids it's ok. I don't have to watch it or support it. That's MY right. You can try to push your agendas for total 100% support but I doubt you'll ever get it. Most Americans are against it. You can talk louder and use the media etc to make it appear like you're the majority but you're not.
Murders are people who choose to kill people. Both are equally as wrong in God's eyes. Sooo I guess I would change my vote to against it if they start telling my kids it's ok or that the practice is somehow normal.
I love how people try to explain how jamming your sausage up the poop shoot is somehow normal when it's designed to be put in a vagina and make babies (or at least enjoy sex). Or with women, scissors, chow down, devices etc that they have to use.
Does this mean we should attack gay people or hate them or hurt them? No. I've known (in a non bibical way) gay people for years, or worked with them. But that doesn't mean we have to say what they're doing is ok should the topic arrise.
You can believe that being gay is ok. You can think gay people deserve equal rights. But you can't make me follow your position or teach my kids that your position is the correct one.
And fuck people who think that I have to let other assholes teach my kids what is right and wrong or let them decide for themselves."
What does this stem from? Being highly religious? Is it taught from parents? Is it him being afraid? I think some people are simply too afraid to think for themselves. Too afraid to think for themselves because they may just realize that widely adopted beliefs are fucking stupid in many cases. If you think being gay is a choice, you're a fucking idiot and can go to hell. Thanks