Originally Posted by dksuddeth
are some of you people actually trying to tell me that a black person that hates white people isn't racist because he has no political power to put that white person at some sort of financial or political disadvantage?
They are not trying to tell you that, they are telling you that.
Nothing is the black man's fault.... it's the white Euro/American man's fault. We went over and bought them, brought them over, against their will enslaved them and have never done anything but hold them down.
What these people fail to mention is that, the winning black tribes sold the losing black tribes. What they fail to mention is that we have tried to help them but because of their hatred and and the fact that their "leaders" make more money and have power teaching hatred and keeping them from achieving, we have what we have in society.
To me and it is just me, none of us should be seeing "black" or "white" right now, none of us should be hating the other based on skin color but we ALL should be revolting and holding to task and blame those who have kept racism alive on both sides. We should be fighting the CEOs of companies like the Auto Big 3 who beg Congress for a bailout while flying multi million dollar jets and having huge ass salaries and golden parachutes. We should be holding to task and revolting against the fucking bankers and Paulson and Bernanke and Bush and Congress for $700 billion bailouts that help the very elite few, while telling the worker to "eat cake, pay your bills or we'll fucking destroy your lives and take everything you ever dreamt of owning."
But as long as the powers that be can keep hatreds alive and keep the media from truly exploiting it all, we're doomed. People find it easier to just watch the news, see all the misdirected hatred and blame everyone else around them that isn't black/white/GOP/Dem/pro-life/pro-choice/smoker/anti-smoker/religious zealot/non religious/gays/etc..... than to get up speak out and DO FUCKING SOMETHING before it is too late.
Racism/prejudice is a very strong way to control people of every faction in life. While those that use it are allowed to get away with anything they so desire.... ahem Rev. Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Rush Limbaugh, etc. etc.