conveniently changed your earlier post when you raised the issue of Koreans/Chinese (asian on asian) and Mexican/Guatamalan (hispanic on hispanic)
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
i have... and it only discusses BLACK and WHITE.
So thus, racism is only a black/white, power/domininance thing..
and isn't and can't be (based on post #52) anything involving any othe races, hispanics against blacks, asians against hispanics, etc.
it's narrow minded and short sighted.
The discussion on the thread had been BLACK AND WHITE until you added ASIAN on ASIAN AND HISPANIC on HISPANIC...commingling ethnicity or nationality and race.
I would suggest that smooth's description ncludes WHITE (in power and position of dominance) and ANY MINORITY who face institutional barriers based soley on race....the only difference being that the WHITE/BLACK relationship has a longer history in the US.