Originally Posted by matthew330
If you don't jump on the bandwagon when posts like Paq come up, as did filtherton - your silence makes the quote above sound like bullshit. Anything that can be construed as racist in the 7th degree coming from conservatives is pounced on by your average liberal, when blatant racist comments coming from liberals is ignored. It happens with ridiculous frequency, so I don't see how any of you can say with a straight face, "Racism, at its core, is what concerns me".
To me it sounds like "Conservatism, at it's core, it what concerns me", and racism is a tool that I can use to convince other people of that, because black people overwhelmingly vote for us. It's because conservatives are racist...see, look what he said!
I never said Adkins was racist, I said he was ignorant. He believes in a concept called "white guilt" and he believes it is widespread. He believes it is widespread not because there is any sort of objective evidence that it is widespread, but because he wants it to be true. I would bet that he can't understand why people are concerned about trivial matters like "cultural context" and "history" because he isn't concerned about trivial matters like "cultural context" and "history" so he, being the stereotypical sympathy-challenged conservative, assumes that concern for trivial matters like "cultural context" and "history" are actually just contrived rationalizations of guilt. He can't relate to the reasons other people do things, so he assumes that those other people are lying about those reasons.
To be clear, conservatism, as it is portrayed by actual conservatives, is what concerns me. The whole "we believe the government shouldn't tell you what to do unless you're gay, or muslim, or etc" thing kind of throws me for a loop.
Racism is an altogether distinct issue, though often people who dress themselves up as conservatives on the weekdays seem like the type who probably wouldn't have a problem dressing themselves up in clan sheets on the weekends.