Vacuum Cleaner - though I've never really thought of it much as an actuall appliance but more like a tool, like a power drill/screwdriver...
Mine has a problem with the switch in the handle. The sliding of the switch over the metal connectors underneath has worn them down making the connection a little iffy. Apparantly this has been a problem with this model because the company has stopped producing replacement switches and is only selling the WHOLE handle. The switch used to be about $8 or $8 bucks but the handle is at least $30. Rippoff. The warranty of course ran out last year. Sucks. I either have to bear with the sporadic on and off while I vacuum until it completely wears out, or get a new handle for another year or two (since the warranty on that is probably even shorter). OR foot the bill for a brand new vacuum. As much as I hate the prices on those Kirby Vacuums, I seem to recall a lifetime warrenty on it. If I could find the find print to be reasonable enough I would be willing to buy one of those so long as I had the money at the time.
For now - I'm living with it and bitching about it.

"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.