approach help:
So some background.
I am friends with a man that is on the verge of being homeless. He is about 60 yeras old or so. I met him through my work as a customer. He pays his lifeline cellphone to us. We will call him CK.
He lives out of a 5th wheel. When we first met, we hit it off really well, and we became friends. I see alot of my father in him, and this is why I think that we clicked so fast.
Well we have been friends for a year now, and I call him every week and help him out any way I can. I take him out to eat. ( he is on a fixed income.) We go and get cups of coffee frequently.
All the while, just wanting my company and always writing down the things I do for him, so he can "pay me back" someday. To this, I tell him, NO. I do it because he is a nice man, and I like helping him.
So that is our relationship. He is a friendly old man,.
Well I guess he knows this drop dead gorgeous woman (about 22 years old.) She works at a Chevron station, and he is very friendly that I think he talked to her one day, and she happened to be a nice girl.
So he wanted to meet up for coffee on Monday, and he secretly invited the 22 year old. We will call her J.
I have a good job with a telecommunications company here in Alaska, and when he meets new good people, he sends them my way so I can attempt to point them in the right direction to get them a job. This works out decent.
So he told J about my job, and she sounded interested. so he set up a meet with him, her and me.
So as we were driving to the coffee shop, he tells me he has invited J and how nice of a girl she is and he wants to help her out with a job, and how i would like her and such.
So we meet up and i mean WOW!
This girl had me hooked from when I first saw her. She is Beautiful. It was hard for me to talk shop with her because I was so into her. Sweet, beautiful girl. It was hard to.
So I held it in, and was very professional about the whole ordeal. I was also very nervous since she was so gorgeous.
So we left and that was it. She ended not wanting to make the sacrifice to get a job with us. That is fine with me.
My thing is this: I want to take her out and see where it goes.
CK told me she is not seeing anyone. I would like to give it a shot and see if she clicked with me like I did with her.
I just dont know how to approach her, since I only know where she works, and CK told me in front of her, so I cant really play "dumb" you know?
So I asked CK what he thought, and he said he KNEW I would like her, and he was expecting me to go for her.
but he tells me to just go and pump gas and dont mention anything. just a hello or something along those lines, and then next time say something.
What do you all think? how should I play this out to approach her without biting my tongue?
I am not a shy person but she is that gorgeous.