Cadence of Conformity
OK, I usually absolutely HATE my own literature, so I generally never write anything, but the other day I was looking back on my work at UPS, listening to Snapcase, and thinking about how pathetically unimportant my education has became due to the fact that my job requires no mental activity whatsoever, and this kind of just came out, so I decided to get it down. It probably sucks compared to everything else on here, but it sounded pretty good to me when it was all said and done... so here it is:
Marching unconsciously in step with millions of others
All to the same beat
All to the same pattern
It is conformity's cadence
The constant exposure wears upon the marching throngs
Eroding their minds, until one can not be discerned from another
Any attempt to break free inevitably ends in futility
As the cadence of conformity continues to pound on
And as the marchers are released from their duties
They emerge like mass-produced product
All the same
Without personalities
Without idiosyncrasies
Devoid of a soul to propel their minds
Devoid of a mind to propel their souls
They continue to march, but there is nowhere to go
All paths are circular
All paths the same
All paths leading to the same inevitable end
Without any hope of sojourning past what is in sight
A revolution's futility annihilates the ability of the soul
The mind
To go any further than they have been taught
To conceive any more than they have been allowed
Their heads are cold steel safes
Locked to prevent their minds from escaping
Those who rule over them know
Know that a working mind is hazardous material
And that it must be contained
Inside a wall of conformity
To whose cadence we all march
But the mind persists inside its cage
Like a bird without wings
Hating its restrictions
Waiting for salvation
Any chance it can get to venture beyond its boundaries
But that venture will never come
As long as the cadence of conformity still plays on
Your arms are broken!