I was going to say, how does a volunteering requirement "cost" money, when in the end you are doing your community a service that it doesn't have to pay for? I mean sure, the program/administration will cost money, but in the long run it's actually very beneficial to society. It also helps get people into the habit of civil service, so that perhaps later in life they might come back to that and volunteer again... which continues to reap benefits for society.
Hmm, where do we get the money to conduct wars, btw? That $10bn a month sure is going to a good cause, isn't it. Bailing out banks is also pretty damn expensive. Wouldn't it be nice to spend that money on something more productive, like getting the next generation out and exposed to the world, bilingual or even trilingual, and therefore increasing their overally competitiveness in the job market (as well as just making them into more well-rounded people)? I'd much rather see my tax dollars spent on that instead of defense.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran