Originally Posted by SabrinaFair
Some frequent themes include my teeth breaking/falling out, driving my car very badly (often totally losing control),
Yep, I have these dreams too, always my front teeth. I always had the driving dreams back before I got my license. I would have dreams where I had to drive someone to the hospital or something and I would drive badly and crash. I haven't had those dreams in a long time though.
I have a lot of flying dreams, where I am soaring over the trees and buildings. I love those dreams. I have different ways of flying, sometimes it's just effortless and I just soar along, other times I have to jump and flap my arms to get up in the air.
I also have those "evil twin" dreams of my SO, but thankfully not that much. Lately I have been having dreams where I am fighting with my ex. I just had one a few hours ago before I woke up.
Like a few others I also dream a lot about the home I grew up in.
I have more to add, but I can't get the rest of my thoughts in order at the moment.