that's because they are using some ridiculous definition of racism that is so far removed from what it actually is that it's nearly nonsensical...which is what the point is. Render the conversation so far from reality that discussion about things that make us squirm is shut down.
Racism is about
power and
subjugation. It is not about simply seeing differences or even acting upon those supposed differences.
When people like roachboy and myself talk about racism we are not talking about individual in a black guy and a white guy see each other across the bar and one hates against the other.
Racism in this country is less about individual acts than it is about institutions that carry over the residuals from racist public policies that were themselves set in place by people operating within a racist context. A short history of how this works: blacks weren't people, it was illegal to teach them how to fucking read and write for fucks sake, then we "freed" them, then they could vote, but hey guess what, they couldn't fucking read and write so I wonder how effective their votes were...
and then of course, while they were milling around looking for their poll booths, aside from the shit like taxes that they couldn't pay, tests they couldn't possibly pass, and polling stations they couldn't find because the pollsters would move them around on purpose, but if they happened to get around town but so much as looked up at a white woman and found themselves hanging from a noose later that night.
while all this is going on, blacks used all their savings and bought nice little pink houses next to the white slave owners. oh wait a damn minute, they didn't have any savings. I wonder what they did...well let's just say that they built nice little communities where all the wealthiest wanted to live so their homes are worth a mint now...oh wait, wtf. who actually believes that? no, they live in communities that no one wants to live in because local tax dollars based off their home values are what pay for police, fire dept., SCHOOLS. So even the hardest working individual working his ass off to make sure his son gets up at the asscrack of dawn and drops him off at the school door but when he walks in there's a teacher who either is there because he or she can't work somewhere else or the rare individual who could work anywhere he or she wants but chooses to teach in Compton with no pencils, paper, or textbooks, or even tables because they want to change the world.
MEANWHILE, over in my neck of the woods, even the 3rd graders have computers.
So I wonder what happens when you compare the test scores between the two regions?
well it's this amazing thing that the white kids are just scoring the hell out of these SATs...of course, my school had professors come from the universities and most of them took college courses right there before lunch. and had parents paid for pre-SAT prep classes, and had parents who went to college so they actually knew about it.
meanwhile, the black kid over here actually knows calculus, in fact he knows it better than the kid who just finished his pre-sat tests, because he was staying out of trouble in the public library and started teaching himself some serious math shit. but right about the time he was going to graduate his dad was pulled over because he was DWB just a little too late at night and had some crack cocaine in his jacket pocket. so now he's doing 20 years in prison and unless this smart black kid drops out of high school and starts working at Taco Bell or goes into the Marines his mom can't pay the rent and his sister will not get her diabetes medicine.
so let's try and resolve this by offering federal funding to schools. hmm, let's see...oh wait, we already pay a shitload of money to teachers. they're just out to game the system and live off the dole. we better make sure that schools are actually teaching students shit before we cut them a check. let's make a test! now kiddos, if you want your textbooks and desks to sit in, then pass this test. WTF? what's with these dummies, they can't even improve their test scores year after year. I mean, the tests are so easy:
Hood is to Car as
Bow is to _______ arrow? boat? curtsie? bend?
I can't believe that these inner city kids don't know that a bow is the front of a boat! how fucking dumb are they????
knew it was a bad idea to provide federal funds...we're just throwing money at a problem! teacher's unions, omfg, they are so greedy and they can't even teach worth a damn.
of course no one is responsible for this shit because it happened in the 1800's and no one is alive anymore...oh wait just a goddamn minute. That shit like killing blacks for the crime of being black happened 40 years ago. It still sometimes happens as a matter of fact unless you think the KKK is a hunting club now. And guess what, every single day these kinds of things prevent good people from succeeding. and I just sketched a brief overview of the education system. I didn't even type out the whole story because most people have the larger shit right about segregation due to the laws (de jure) even if they aren't aware of
de facto segregation (segregation that happens as a matter of fact). I only mentioned racist crime policies in passing. There's a lot more to be said. maybe some musician will fill in the blanks on what happened to otherwise successful black musicians and why they aren't filthy rich...
institutional racism
look it ain't going's not even known to be a problem by most people (unless you happen to be affected by it or exposed to it somehow).