Originally Posted by new man
What I see pointed out that every previous election was around 10% to at most 16% by black voters, who were voting for two white males. Now you have a legitimate black candidate vs a white candidate, and you could argue that 5 to 10% changed their vote to democratic based on race. You could also argue that Obama ran a more effective get out the vote campaign that brought out people who had never voted before. You could argue that there was less voter fraud that was designed to throw out large chunks of the population. Or you could argue that for millions of people who at various times of their life have felt the subtle or not so subtle sting of racism they finally have a chance to elect one of their own. Maybe they did it to show other people that four years under a qualified black president is not going to end the country. Remember, this is not Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton or Alan Keyes, this is a real politician with a real education who finally had a legitimate shot at leading the country.
My point is, I heard all the news articles that stated 33% of Democratic white males were going to vote for McCain just because of race and how wrong and prejudicial that is. {Didn't happen, but that was placed out there.}
Yet, no one can dare point out that there were blacks that voted for Obama based solely on race. Isn't that prejudicial and just as wrong as the above McCain scenario that was played out to IMHO guilt some people into voting for Obama. Making them believe that perhaps they were voting for McCain simply because he was white and that would be wrong so.....
Yet, I never heard ANYONE say, 95% of all blacks are voting for Obama, a certain percentage doing so simply because he is black {when in actuality he is half black, half white}.
Why not vote based on policy and let the one who has the best policy in the eyes of the people win? Why was this election all about race and not policy and the future?
Racism in ANY form is wrong, and I saw a lot of reverse racism this election. Moreso, than the stereotypical white hate black.
But, it's racist, will be called racist and hateful to bring this out and talk about it.....
So how can anyone expect true change and understanding of sides and working to build a better future together when BOTH sides keep racism and hate alive and well.