This may be a silly and kind of outdated question, but I got on Google Maps today to get directions. I used to use Mapquest, until recently when it gave me completely ridiculous directions... but that's another story.
Anyway, so I noticed Google offers pics of some of the streets you're driving down. THEN I noticed there was a pic of my driveway, and I was able to rotate it. Then I started laughing, because there was my stepdad, taking out the trash.
I know the picture was fairly recent, because my stepdad has the same haircut. It's at least a few months old, though, because the trees in our front yard that are in the picture got blown down/otherwise broken during the big windstorm in September.
Right, so... how do they get the pics? Is some guy driving around in a van, all over, snapping pictures and sending them in? (
I want that job.) Do they have a superawesome satellite that can zoom in that closely?
And, have you found anything amusing while looking for directions? Pictures of yourself, perhaps, or neighbors or pets?