I took a job managing the business office of a very small nonprofit Our computers were beyond old and always having problems. There happened to be a little IT shop across the street that I was referred to for service. A few weeks after starting I called for repair and they sent over this very intense IT guy. I thought he was cute in a geeky kind of way but didn't pay much attention to him at first, he moved a mile a minute and seemed overly nervous. I ended up hiring him a lot over the next few months and one day he had to deal with a particularly difficult supervisor whom has been with the place for over 20 years. I was rushing over to save him from her wrath when I witnessed him handle her like no one ever has. I was instantly in love with him. It took about 4 more months to get up the courage but I finally asked him out and we have been together ever since. He was nothing like the men I had dated previously and for that I am so grateful that I took the chance. It was also the first time I had ever asked someone out.
* I do not believe that struggles are a sign of life falling apart, but rather a step of life falling into place. *