Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Does anyone know if there are any "Battle Chest" plans in the making? I don't have either BC or WotWK, as I'm on my first character, and he's only lvl 53.
I try to be frugal with my games, and have lots of patience regarding these things usually, but if I hit 60, I'll need BC at least to continue to advance, right? I don't think I'll be so patient this time....
I'd really like to see a package deal where you can get both expansions at once.
Anyone hear anything?
I know they had a battle chest of WoW with Burning Crusade; two of my friends' girlfriends who had started playing characters on my friends' accounts picked them up this summer. I'm not sure about BC with WoTLK, though, and it will be a while yet if they do.
And yes, you will need BC to level past 60. You can go through the Dark Portal at 58, and leveling 58-60 is a lot faster in Outland. The quests dovetail nicely together and the gear rewards are nice.