It would be foolish to underestimate the Republicans' ability to win future elections. They will wrap themselves up in the flag and paint the opposition as unpatriotic and godless socialists, marxists or commies. Their base will be fiscal and social conservatives along with the religious right.
National elections are more of a personality contest than anyhing to do with issues anyway. Young people got fired up this election but I don't think that will always be the case in the future. The party in power is blamed for any economic or national defense failures. If this economic collapse continues to get worse by 2012 then the Democrats may have problems holding on to the white house.
Does anyone really think that Bill Clinton is responsible for the dot com boom in the 90's or George Bush for the current Wall Street meltdown? Elections are sometimes won or lost based on things that are mostly out of their control. Our polititians currently seem to be advocating more bailouts for people and industries suffering from the economic collapse. I wonder how far they can go or if it is even possible to avoid another deep recession or depression?