No, no and this thread has long shifted to her general qualifications and intelligence as opposed to specifically why she was duped. Threads naturally evolve as they go on. That's why it's conversation.
The problem is that I'm talking specifically about her, and you're generalizing my points to everything. HER educational history compared to the other candidates is lacking. Her interest in world affairs and her knowledge of American politics and the American political system is lacking. I attribute that to her comparative lack of a cohesive educational experience. It doesn't mean that everyone who goes to JC knows nothing or doesn't care about her education or doesn't get a good one. It means that, looking at her higher education, it wasn't a priority for her and the impact of that choice shows.
Additionally, it shows that she couldn't even transfer a core value of her faith to her daughter and then she poses herself as a "family values" candidate, which is kind of antithetical to having your own household with a knocked up teenager. It shows everything that is messed up and dangerous about abstinence based education. I don't think that it's absolutely wrong to be a pregnant teenager, though I think it's probably not something that many people "choose" and more end up "making do with." I think it reflects poorly on your legitimacy as a candidate on her platform to have a pregnant teenage daughter.
Last edited by Frosstbyte; 11-12-2008 at 09:59 PM..