Palin: Hawaii Pacific College-left after 1 semester, North Idaho community college-2 semesters as general studies, U of Idaho-2 semesters, Matanuska-Susitna community college-one term, U of Idaho-3 semesters ending in a degree in communications-journalism
McCain: US Naval Academy, captain US Navy
Obama: Occidental College-2 years; Columbia University-2 years, polisci (international relations); Harvard School of Law-graduate, Law Review
Biden: University of Delaware: history/polisci; Syracuse School of Law
Now, neither McCain or Biden have clean, sparkly records from their respective universities (though I can't find any major blemishes on Obama's), but I think it's pretty apparent that one of these is not like the others. And sure, it's not a requirement to become president, but it does reflect on one's level of knowledge and ability to think critically. And, in this campaign, I think the prestige of their alma maters followed pretty closely with an objective evaluation of the various candidate's intelligence and knowledge.
As for her daughter, yeah, I do hold that against her. If your entire image is "I am a good, evangelical Christian woman with a good, evangelical Christian household" and your 17 year old is unmarried and pregnant, that undermines your image and message pretty significantly. Sure, I guess it's fine that she didn't have an abortion and that's consistent, but she's not really upholding anything else she stands for on that note.
I didn't call Obama a scholar in politics and international affairs, but I really think it's dishonest to say that he doesn't seem to have a much better grasp of international and national affairs than she does. Again, Obama, McCain and Biden misspoke in ways that ended up being funny. Palin truly believed the things she said about the country and the world which weren't even close to true. I think that says a lot about the difference between the three of them and her.