what do you mean she "doesn't have a meaningful higher education?" That seems incorrect and inflammatory.
it's also not a requirement for presidency, even if it was true.
she certainly seems to hold her family to the same standards as she wants for the country. I'm not sure what you mean by that other than her pregnant daughter, which is the context I see this brought up within, who did not seek or obtain an abortion. what other values are you concerned over?
she does seem to have a grasp of her world, which is what most people walking around have. very few people have the time or want to expend the effort of being experts in foreign policy...and no one can be an expert in all things anymore. Even Obama just held the basic blocks of global relations and then relies upon others for their foreign policy expertise.
I agree with ace about the fact that people often are not as prepared as we expect them to be when they run for office.
the difference between palin and obama in this regard, however, is that the public had nearly two years to weigh the benefits of obama against his deficiencies and we never had that opportunity with Palin. and the VP doesn't really get vetted at the same level as president anyway.
the same thing could have happened to McCain. had the fiscal crisis happened a year ago, he would have had a year to rework his positions and the voters would have had more opportunity to balance his lack of expertise with what he was willing to bring to the table.
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