How much money do you spend?
Not much these days.
Do you have a minimum monthly budget that you cannot possibly go below?
Minimum was always at least $2,000 until a couple of months ago.
Do you find that your frequency of shelling out cash varies depending upon your community or living situation?
Yes. I'm not used to cooking every single night or not picking up CDs, makeup, clothes for the girls and other spontaneous "normal" items I always purchased.
How long have you gone without spending a penny or using resources that someone had to pay for?
The past month is the longest I've gone without spending a penny of my own. Before this, I've never not contributed in one way or another. I didn't work outside the home for nearly three years when two of the girls were born sixteen months apart. But even then, I cared for other babies full-time from our home.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain