This is a well-done piece, even if done on the fly, which has certain undertones that will have parents chuckling abashedly, while keeping the kiddies amused, perhaps pondering upon the values of sharing. I especially found the bantering and weighing of the options between the two parties amusing, like a verbal tug-of-war in trying to compromise the other's intentions.
I'm not quite sure if you decided to revise this story, or to create an entirely new one upon your director's request, now months later. But my criticism is this: The ending was very abrupt, its confusing resolution is forced, and could leave those wondering as to what the conclusion, and overall sense of the entire piece, is seeking to promote. Was this a tragedy? What understanding can be gained from the transgressions? How do we rationlize this? If you can just tweak the ending to actually leave us with an enduring thought, instead of maybe a "wtf just happened" moment, I can see this easily as an adult aesop's fable. It might allude to pigs being selfish, yet vulnerable, while cats are known to be fickle, yet yearn for pleasurable affection.
Good job.
You’re going to snatch my pie while I’m eating your hotdog." --best one-line in the story; I'm still chortling at the prospect of a cartoon cat uttering this, especially in a Brit's accent.