How much money do you spend?
Some weeks more than others. It depends on our schedules and what project needs doing around the house. When we are both off, we tend to spend more than if one or both of us are working.
Do you have a minimum monthly budget that you cannot possibly go below?
We don't really have a budget. Our bare minimum expenditures are probably near $4k per month between the mortgage, 2 car payments, insurance, credit cards, full cable and a few other things.
Do you find that your frequency of shelling out cash varies depending upon your community or living situation?
Same living situation for the past 14 years and only lived in 2 different communities in that time. The expenses only went up when we bought the house.
How long have you gone without spending a penny or using resources that someone had to pay for?
I've gone 3 days without spending anything other than for electricity.