The Fear.
Wanna know where it comes from?
Take a good, long, hard look in the mirror. Because chances are, you've been part of it. I have too. And here's what The Fear is.
The Fear is the fact that everywhere rural, religious, individualist people look, they see a sneering mob of Others, of people who don't speak their language or hold their values or understand the world in the way they do. These Others act and perceive the world in ways which people afflicted with The Fear regard as crazy, or perhaps more accurately as incoherent, indescribable, inconsistent, and crazy. The Others hold all the power; they control the media, the Government, most of the everyday bureaucracy of life, and their consistent message is this:
You, your culture, your way of life, and everything you value will be eradicated. You are backwards, superstitious, left-behind relics of an irredeemable past, practitioners of a useless, pointless, and socially unacceptable way of life. Your culture, your values, and your ideals and properties and persons if needed, will be destroyed for the Greater Good. Your children will grow up inculcated with ideas and modes of thought that are alien to you in every way, your way of life will die and be forgotten. You and your people will cease to be. Die now and despair.
The thing is, The Fear is universal. Non-religious people feel it, pacifists do too, because the message which creates The Fear is literally everywhere in this society. From the "Cops Always Win" dramas on cable TV to the sneering faces of leftist newspaper columnists to the truly idiotic attacks one routinely sees posted on internet bulletin boards, the message is omnipresent and hyperconsistent. The Collective will always win, The Collective is always right, and if you do not submit, The Collective will crush you utterly. People with The Fear are in a minority, and they know it. They fear annihilation, not only in body but in spirit, on a very visceral level. Many of them have spent the last 8 years fuming and spewing damnations of the Bush regime, knowing that Bush was winning for The Collective powers that would one day be used...and now they see their ultimate horror, the hardest-left Collectivist in the legislature not only elected President, but elected President just as all the kinks in the PATRIOT ACT and it's excrementitious progeny were being ironed out. They see The Others looming over them, not only motivated but now empowered as well to utterly obliterate them and their way of life. Believe it or not, a lot of these people are very intelligent. Most, in my experience. They know what happened to the Native American Indians, and that's what they see on their horizons.
Fix that notion in your minds. They perceive the imminent, total destruction of their entire culture, on a scale of totality and ferocity not seen since the Indian Wars. They see themselves at Wounded Knee and Sand Creek and Waco, and they see no distinction between the three. They may have a point. None of the High Society Ladies back in New York, the ones who donated money to "Christianize the savages" had to get her hands bloody, that's what the Bluecoats were for. And none of the High Society Ladies who drive what these people see as a similar crusade will have to get their hands bloody either, between Blackwater and Obama's "domestic security force."
You wanted to know where The Fear comes from. There it is. It comes from fear of total destruction, the fear that can only come when that destruction is gloated over on national television. This kind of fear makes people a little crazy sometimes, and a little stupid a lot of the time. People under stresses like that will believe a lot of silly stuff, especially if that silly stuff has roots in fact. I spent this entire election season seething because, as I put it to a friend, "there are enough legitimate reasons to dislike Obama with making this silly shit up." But this silly shit sticks for a reason.