I don't really get to involved in the politics forum for different reasons:
-Sometimes I have no idea what they are talking about.
-Sometimes I have no opinion
-Some of their discussions I feel are moot and discussing them is like beating a dead horse, nothing will come of it.
-I feel like some of the other women here in that I really like/respect most of the members and I don't want what is supposed to be a friendly debate get me heated to the point that I lose that respect. (The men, as innocent as they may think it is, like to goad others just to get a rise out of them)
-Lastly and perhaps most importantly I know what political things are important to me and I show them in other ways:
*I feel my body is mine to do what I please with so I post in exhibition
*I believe in feeling powerful and comfortable with yourself (see above)
*I believe in gay rights and I love my uncle and his spouse and will do what I can for them.
*I believe in pro-choice but I practice this by choosing to take bc to try to avoid such a situation.
*I believe in love and will love my fiance no matter what.
*I believe in respect and will try my best to practice it in all aspects of my life.
*I believe in working hard for the things I want (see all of the above)
So while I may not always post in politics I try to share my beliefs in other ways.
Frivolity, at the edge of a Moral Swamp, hears Hymn-Singing in the Distance and dons the Galoshes of Remorse. ~Edward Gorey