11-11-2008, 09:09 AM
#15 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Cynosure
An update on my guess about the serial killer's identity... Spoiler: Well, it appears Tara wasn't demon-possessed, after all. Furthermore, it appears the serial killer is a white male. Now my guess is that beared guy who half-heartedly asked Sookie to dance, at the engagement party. (Can't remember his name.) Why him? I dunno... Just a hunch.
My guess:
Spoiler: I think it is Jason. His sister has a strange gift and he is portrayed as a normal, but quite dim-witted guy. It just sprang to my mind though as I type this. It might be the guy that is Jason's friend. The one that yelled at his mom this past episode telling her he would drink more. He mentioned he wanted to be just like Jason and all the dead people have a direct connection with Jason.