Wow, cool thread! I can’t believe I overlooked it.
Anyway, I find sex with a woman very beautiful, fulfilling, and satisfying. I just don’t feel “right” being with a male partner (never have). That may sound weird to some of you, but that’s just the way I’ve always been. Even when I was a little girl I would sneak and look at my brothers porn magazines that he had hidden in his closet and drool over the “hot chicks” in the pictures. Most of the magazines were old and fairly mild such as Playboy, Hustler, Oui…etc, and the few that were actually hard core I hardly looked at because of the (IMO) ugly penis’s and testicles. Just seeing those beautiful women taking those gross things into their mouths would turn my stomach! I mean really, what is so sexy about a sausage with a chicken skin pouch dangling under it??? (No offense guys, just my perspective). Anyway, as I grew older I discovered that the only thing better than playing with your kitty-kitty is playing with someone else’s…lol.
Hope you guys/gals don’t think I’m some sort of weirdo now? I’m really just a normal everyday woman as is my sweetheart. We don’t dress butch or anything; in fact I’m quite Femi. Trish is somewhat tomboyish, but you wouldn’t know it to look at her.
So, to answer the question of this thread, YES, to all of the above and then some. I used to not be so open about my sexuality and I don’t intentionally try to promote it, but I just think it’s sad that so many women will live their entire lives without ever experiencing the touch of a girl.
@ ShaniFaye: The green eggs and ham thing was SO cute… LMAO!