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Old 11-11-2008, 08:22 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by guccilvr View Post
well.. in all honesty.. it's never too early for the right to be thinking about 2012.

that's the only reasoning I can come up with when these type of statements are made.
Sadly the public will probably not remember what this little jackass said when he's up for reelection.

But we have to remember that this, rather than governing, is what the republicans are best at. They're lousy as hell when they're actually in power, but they tend to be very good at hampering and harassing when they're not. I expect an all out republican assault on Obama and the congressional democrats for the next four years. It's what they did with Clinton. I just hope (and I have a feeling it is not unwarranted hope) that Obama is a lot better at . . keeping it in his pants. . .than Billy boy was. The republicans had a wonderful time launching an all out assault on Clinton over his marital infidelities (which made it especially ironic that they ran McCain this time around) - it would be nice if that little bit of ammunition were not available for their arsenal this time around, because the rest of it (they're driving us to economic ruin, they're taking your rights away, and they're... Nazis) will make them, especially in light of the W administration, look rather foolish.
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