My landlords home school their kids. I can only assume that the kids will grow up believing that lead isn't poisonous, that all government employees are jack-booted thugs, and that being either hyper manipulative or gruffly aloof is the best way to interact with people.
We've thought about homeschooling our daughter. It really depends on a lot of things though, time probably being the most pressing.
We definitely see a lot of the bad things about the out-of-home primary education system in the US, but we aren't necessarily sure that opting out is the most productive response. School boards are pretty much the most local form of government and it seems like the kind of route by which passionate, motivated people can make real, significant change. Maybe that's a bit naive.
In the end, though, I don't really think it matters all that much. I believe that there are a lot of important, intangible things, that are both learned completely separate from any sort of formal education and provide a much greater contribution to overall happiness and satisfaction later in life than anything taught in primary school.
Though I admittedly lack any sort of evidence, I kind of feel that as long as my kid feels safe where she goes to school, and isn't subject to any sort of permanent emotional crippling, whether she receives her primary education from me or someone else isn't really that important.