Originally Posted by timalkin
A black person has attained what is arguably the most powerful position the world has ever known.
What else do white people need to do in order to "correct the mistakes of the past?" How many more black Presidents, Secretaries of State, Congressmen, Governors, doctors, lawyers, etc. do we need to have before everybody is even?
If not now, when? The answer to that question is "never," based on most of the responses in this thread. If the answer to that question is left up to black people, of course the answer will be "never." Why would they ever give up the privileges that have been bestowed upon them?
Liberal apologists have created a politically-correct monster that will never stop.
I would argue that point. While the weapons at hand could destroy the earth, there are a helluva lot of safeguards in the way of any ONE person deciding arbitrarily to use them.
Clinton's administration shows how little power a President truly has, if the opposing party is sufficiently motivated to stop them.
As to the apologists, liberal or not, there is A LOT we in the West have to apologize for. Don't you wonder why "Death to America" is on the lips of many? It's not just the power we possess, but rather how we are PERCEIVED to use it. The perception of Obama around the world provides some relief from the economic and political imperialism we've wrought upon the less powerful.
Understanding where the resentments lie, and getting to the root of them, will go far to prevent Sept. 11's from happening again. Won't totally stop them, but will create conditions wherein the terrorists will having a smaller pool to draw from. If we are just, other cultures will police their own extremists to a greater degree than they do today.
Timalkin, your type of thought is the best friend the extremists have.
In my opinion.