Originally Posted by timalkin
White people giving special privileges to black people is a type of racism. It implies that black people are so inherently inferior that they can't produce significant achievements on their own.
Black people had been rendered inferior many years ago. I'm sure you're aware of the history. Unfortunately, the day the slaves were emancipated, they're weren't admitted into the best colleges, nor given any other human rights. These had to be earned, unlike the rights of the white man, and the black man is still working to catch up.
You may know this, intellectually, but you don't seem to want to believe that true equality and racism is still a long, long way off because so many people want to believe what you want to believe.
Hell, look at the idiot in office now. How hard did he work to get where he is? Obama? You can bet your ass he's been working his at least twice as hard in order to prove himself and get to the same place.