my wife and I take no artificial supplements. we've been on and off pure vegetarians over the years, and I grew up with some of my friends being vegan. an entire family, my friend, his two sisters, little brother, and mother were vegan and their father was a rabid meat eater. So I got some crash courses in the major and subtle differences in their diets, health reasons, moral reasons, and social reasons, etc. my mom raises me on whole foods for health reasons. I enjoy meats, grilling, and can eat hamburgers every and all day...and not gain a pound
there's a nice middle ground, if you can't find free range meats, you should be able to find kosher sources. then when your family comes over for the holidays and someone starts to discuss the problems with the meat industry and even health reasons, you can point to the turkey and say well I hear your concerns and they're valid, but we've enjoyed our holiday turkey for hundreds of years and decades in this family, so we made sure to buy a kosher turkey