I am an omnivore (the same as most human beings). Omnivore simply means that we can eat pretty much anything. However, I CHOOSE to be vegetarian. I'm not vegan ... I do eat dairy ... but only regional free-range. Still, what has that got to do with it? It's still taking a potential life or denying life ... or hurting some animal.
My reasons for being vegetarian are just that: MY REASONS. Why would I even begin to suggest that my choice is right for anyone else? Why would I expect anyone to make concessions for me because of my choice? My wife and daughter are NOT vegetarian.
My in-laws wanted to take us out to eat last night. Where did we go? Outback Steakhouse because that's where they wanted to go. Did I whine and complain about it? No ... I had a salad. If I wanted to take them to a vegetarian restaurant (on my tab) would they complain? No ... because we have respect for each other.
I feel you on the whole sanctimony and arrogance issue, luciferase ... I can't stand when ANYONE gets on a soapbox.
Yes, humans are omnivore and that is how we evolved. Humans also evolved as opportunistic eaters. We ate what was available ... locally. If that means we do without one kind of food over another then that's what we did. We are cunning though ... we realized we could herd our live animals and take them with us to greener pastures. Then we had the best of both worlds. Eventually the industrial revolution made it even easier for us to have our "food" delivered to our front door ...
This particular problem in the U.S. is not the vegetarianism vs. carnivore/omnivore diet being better or worse ... it's marketing. Meat sells.
Sorry if my ideas are disjointed ... I'm at work and typing quickly.
Last edited by vanblah; 11-10-2008 at 02:17 PM..